Dr. Sarab Abdullatif El Samad, MD
    Gynecologist, Obstetrician

    Dr. Sarab Abdullatif El Samad is a young motivated ObGyn (Obstetrician-Gynecologist), who joined omgyno because of her values and her passion to support Arab women on their journey to better sexual and reproductive health. She was born and raised in Tripoli, Lebanon. She received her Bachelor of Science degree in Biology from the University of Balamand in 2015. In 2019 she received her Doctor of Medicine (MD) from UOB (University of Balamand) in association with SGHUMC (Saint George Hospital University Medical Center), El-Koura (medI-II), Al Ashrafiyeh (medIII-IV), Lebanon. She has been a resident doctor in various hospitals and clinics across Lebanon since 2017 and is a regular volunteer  for various health organizations.

    Arabic: Mother language

    English: Professional working proficiency

    01/07/2020- now                            1st, 2nd, 3rd, & 4th year OB/GYN Resident(PGY1-III)- SGUMC, Mount Lebanon Hospital, Clemenceau Medical Center in Beirut, Lebanon, NINI hospital in Tripoli, Lebanon

    01/07/2019-30/06/2020                 1st year Internal Medicine Resident- SGHUMC & Daher El Bachek Hospital, Beirut, Lebanon


    6-7-8/2017                        Internal Medicine rotations: Family, Gastrointestinal, Oncology, Hematology, Neurology, Pulmology- SGHUMC

    9-10-11/2017                    Surgery rotations: General, Vascular, Neurosurgery, Cardiothoracic, Orthopedics-  SGHUMC

    12-1/2017-2018                Obstetrics and Gynecology rotation SGHUMC

    1/2018                               Advanced Medical Ethics course- SGHUMC

    3/2018                               Psychology rotationSGHUMC

    3/2018                               Preventive Medicine and Health Administration courseSGHUMC

    4-5/2018                           Pediatrics rotationSGHUMC

    6/2018                               OB/GYN Elective rotation at American University Beirut Medical Center

    7/2018                               OB/GYN Elective rotation at Saint George Hospital Medical Center

    9/2018                               OB/GYN Elective rotation at Greater Baltimore Medical Center, ML, USA

    10-11-12/ 2018                 Internal Medicine rotations: Intensive Care Unit, Cardiac Care Unit, Cardiology, Geriatric Medicine, Nephrology- SGHUMC

    1/2019                               Emergency Medicine rotationSGHUMC

    2/2019                               Dermatology rotationSGHUMC

    03/2019                             General Surgery rotation: taking admissions, ordering labs, following up with physicians, ER shadowing, and surgeon assistance during operation- Daher El Bashek Government Hospital, Roumieh, lebanon

    4/2019                               Radiology rotationSGHUMC

    4/2019                               Anesthesia rotationSGHUMC

    5/2019                               Ophthalmology rotationSGHUMC

    5/2019                               Otorhinolaryngology rotation–   SGHUMC

    2015- 2019                        Doctor of Medicine at UOB (University of Balamand) in association with SGHUMC (Saint George Hospital University Medical Center), El-Koura(medI-II), Al Ashrafiyeh (medIII-IV), Lebanon

    2012-2015                        Bachelor of Science- Biology at University of Balamand, El-koura, Lebanon

    2012                                  Official Lebanese Baccalaureate: Biological Sciences Graduate at Rawdat ALfayhaa, Tripoli, Lebanon

    04/2023               ALS; Advanced Life Support (EKG monitoring, defibrillation, and drugs during CPR)- SGHUMC, Emergency Medical Training Center

    04/2023              Anal sphincter repair certification ; annual workshop of Lebanese society of obstetrics and Gynecology and Doctors Syndicate, Hilton Hotel, Beirut, Liban

    04/2023                 Obstetrical Emergency Life Support Certificate; acquired proven cognitive and practical skills in accordance with the new international guidelines for obstetric emergencies at the Lebanese European Academy of Emergency Medicine, a national training center accredited by the Ministry of Public Health, in partnership with the university medical center of Saint George Hospital, Saint George University Hospital Center of Beirut, Lebanon

    13/04/2018         BAMW (Basic Airway Management Workshop) by EMIG-LC; (airway assessment, intubation, LMA, Ambu-bag) DTS: Diana Tamari Sabbagh building, AUBMC (American University of Beirut Medical Center)

    02/08/2017         BLS; Basic Life Support (ABCs, cardiopulmonary arrest evaluation, resuscitation and team skills)- SGHUMC, Emergency Medical Training Center, Old Building, First Floor

    Fakih, , Mourad, Y., Raad, G., Akil, W., Sfarjlani, R., Chedid, J., Daou, J., Abou layla, H., Ali, R., Abou Zeid, R., Zahwe, R., Saad, J., El samad, S., & Fakih, F. (2022). P-691 assessment of ovarian vascularity by three-dimensional vaginal power Doppler on day seven of menstrual cycle to predict the number of eggs collected in antagonist cycle. Human Reproduction, 37(Supplement_1). https://doi.org/10.1093/humrep/deac107.640 (présenté à milan: 38th Hybrid Annual Meeting of the ESHRE, Milan- Italy, 3-6 Juillet 2022)

    Fakih, C., Mourad, Y., Raad, G., Zahwe, R., Azaki, R., Yazbeck, R., Samad, S., Chartouny, M., & Fakih, F. (2021). VP02.06: What are the impacts of sperm parameters on uteroplacental vascularisation in intracytoplasmic sperm injection‐derived pregnancies? Ultrasound in Obstetrics & Gynecology58(S1), 97–97. https://doi.org/10.1002/uog.24038

    Anastasiades E., Chalhoub E., Irani Jihad, Bedoyan Z., Boursawi M., Samad S. Infection  à  la  COVID-19  au  troisième  trimestre  de  la  grossesse  :  pathologie  placentaire  et corrélation avec les résultats néonataux. (Article en cours de rédaction, à publier prochainement)

    Affiches: The Effect Of Intrauterine Administration Of Human Chorionic Gonadotropin (Hcg) On Intra Uterine Insemination (Iui) Outcome: 3rd IVF virtual congress

    Dr. Sarab Abdullatif El Samad is a young motivated ObGyn (Obstetrician-Gynecologist), who joined omgyno because of her values and her passion to support Arab women on their journey to better sexual and reproductive health. She was born and raised in Tripoli, Lebanon. She received her Bachelor of Science degree in Biology from the University of Balamand in 2015. In 2019 she received her Doctor of Medicine (MD) from UOB (University of Balamand) in association with SGHUMC (Saint George Hospital University Medical Center), El-Koura (medI-II), Al Ashrafiyeh (medIII-IV), Lebanon. She has been a resident doctor in various hospitals and clinics across Lebanon since 2017 and is a regular volunteer  for various health organizations.

    Arabic: Mother language

    English: Professional working proficiency

    01/07/2020- now                            1st, 2nd, 3rd, & 4th year OB/GYN Resident(PGY1-III)- SGUMC, Mount Lebanon Hospital, Clemenceau Medical Center in Beirut, Lebanon, NINI hospital in Tripoli, Lebanon

    01/07/2019-30/06/2020                 1st year Internal Medicine Resident- SGHUMC & Daher El Bachek Hospital, Beirut, Lebanon


    6-7-8/2017                        Internal Medicine rotations: Family, Gastrointestinal, Oncology, Hematology, Neurology, Pulmology- SGHUMC

    9-10-11/2017                    Surgery rotations: General, Vascular, Neurosurgery, Cardiothoracic, Orthopedics-  SGHUMC

    12-1/2017-2018                Obstetrics and Gynecology rotation SGHUMC

    1/2018                               Advanced Medical Ethics course- SGHUMC

    3/2018                               Psychology rotationSGHUMC

    3/2018                               Preventive Medicine and Health Administration courseSGHUMC

    4-5/2018                           Pediatrics rotationSGHUMC

    6/2018                               OB/GYN Elective rotation at American University Beirut Medical Center

    7/2018                               OB/GYN Elective rotation at Saint George Hospital Medical Center

    9/2018                               OB/GYN Elective rotation at Greater Baltimore Medical Center, ML, USA

    10-11-12/ 2018                 Internal Medicine rotations: Intensive Care Unit, Cardiac Care Unit, Cardiology, Geriatric Medicine, Nephrology- SGHUMC

    1/2019                               Emergency Medicine rotationSGHUMC

    2/2019                               Dermatology rotationSGHUMC

    03/2019                             General Surgery rotation: taking admissions, ordering labs, following up with physicians, ER shadowing, and surgeon assistance during operation- Daher El Bashek Government Hospital, Roumieh, lebanon

    4/2019                               Radiology rotationSGHUMC

    4/2019                               Anesthesia rotationSGHUMC

    5/2019                               Ophthalmology rotationSGHUMC

    5/2019                               Otorhinolaryngology rotation–   SGHUMC

    2015- 2019                        Doctor of Medicine at UOB (University of Balamand) in association with SGHUMC (Saint George Hospital University Medical Center), El-Koura(medI-II), Al Ashrafiyeh (medIII-IV), Lebanon

    2012-2015                        Bachelor of Science- Biology at University of Balamand, El-koura, Lebanon

    2012                                  Official Lebanese Baccalaureate: Biological Sciences Graduate at Rawdat ALfayhaa, Tripoli, Lebanon

    04/2023               ALS; Advanced Life Support (EKG monitoring, defibrillation, and drugs during CPR)- SGHUMC, Emergency Medical Training Center

    04/2023              Anal sphincter repair certification ; annual workshop of Lebanese society of obstetrics and Gynecology and Doctors Syndicate, Hilton Hotel, Beirut, Liban

    04/2023                 Obstetrical Emergency Life Support Certificate; acquired proven cognitive and practical skills in accordance with the new international guidelines for obstetric emergencies at the Lebanese European Academy of Emergency Medicine, a national training center accredited by the Ministry of Public Health, in partnership with the university medical center of Saint George Hospital, Saint George University Hospital Center of Beirut, Lebanon

    13/04/2018         BAMW (Basic Airway Management Workshop) by EMIG-LC; (airway assessment, intubation, LMA, Ambu-bag) DTS: Diana Tamari Sabbagh building, AUBMC (American University of Beirut Medical Center)

    02/08/2017         BLS; Basic Life Support (ABCs, cardiopulmonary arrest evaluation, resuscitation and team skills)- SGHUMC, Emergency Medical Training Center, Old Building, First Floor

    Fakih, , Mourad, Y., Raad, G., Akil, W., Sfarjlani, R., Chedid, J., Daou, J., Abou layla, H., Ali, R., Abou Zeid, R., Zahwe, R., Saad, J., El samad, S., & Fakih, F. (2022). P-691 assessment of ovarian vascularity by three-dimensional vaginal power Doppler on day seven of menstrual cycle to predict the number of eggs collected in antagonist cycle. Human Reproduction, 37(Supplement_1). https://doi.org/10.1093/humrep/deac107.640 (présenté à milan: 38th Hybrid Annual Meeting of the ESHRE, Milan- Italy, 3-6 Juillet 2022)

    Fakih, C., Mourad, Y., Raad, G., Zahwe, R., Azaki, R., Yazbeck, R., Samad, S., Chartouny, M., & Fakih, F. (2021). VP02.06: What are the impacts of sperm parameters on uteroplacental vascularisation in intracytoplasmic sperm injection‐derived pregnancies? Ultrasound in Obstetrics & Gynecology58(S1), 97–97. https://doi.org/10.1002/uog.24038

    Anastasiades E., Chalhoub E., Irani Jihad, Bedoyan Z., Boursawi M., Samad S. Infection  à  la  COVID-19  au  troisième  trimestre  de  la  grossesse  :  pathologie  placentaire  et corrélation avec les résultats néonataux. (Article en cours de rédaction, à publier prochainement)

    Affiches: The Effect Of Intrauterine Administration Of Human Chorionic Gonadotropin (Hcg) On Intra Uterine Insemination (Iui) Outcome: 3rd IVF virtual congress

    Book a telehealth session with Dr. Sarab


    This booking calendar includes all our healthcare professionals and services. Once you have booked, you will receive a confirmation email from us with a link to your next telehealth session.

    Please note, our telehealth services have a 24 hour cancellation policy. Patients who cancel within less than 24 hours notice may need to pay a cancellation fee.

    Dr. Sarab's Patient Reviews

    Dr. Sarab

    January 17, 2024

    hello, Dr. Sarab is amazing awal chi 7ada bachouch tene chi ktir rey2a btesma3 lal ekhir w betjewib w bta3te tips

    w ahama chi eno mana 7ada byetfalsaf 3a patient so i recommended for sure to book a telehealth appointment with her

    Avatar for pamela

    Response from OMGYNO

    Thank you Pamela for your kind review of Dr. Sarab.

    Dr. Amalia Savvidi, MD
    Gynecologist, Obstetrician

    Dr. Amalia Savvidi is a gynecologist and obstetrician at the General Hospital of Heraklion, Venizelio who lives in Crete (Greece). She has practiced for two years in General Surgery of the Lesvos Hospital, Vostaneio 2017-2019 and at the same time completed her training at the FILIA Medical Center in Lesvos 2018-2019.  What makes her very unique are her deep communication skills and ability to feel with her patients. She speaks Greek, English, and French. She is a woman who believes in equality and solidarity and practices these values in her everyday life as a doctor. As a Gynecologist, she is in contact with all the colors of the rainbow (LGBTQAI+) and her goal is to ensure that every person who leaves her clinic feels safe and taken care of. Her motto in life is: “All people with vaginas need access to health!”

    Greek: Mother language

    English: Excellent working proficiency

    French: Basic working proficiency

    today – 2019    Venizeleio Hospital of Heraklion Crete, ObGyn Residency: Dr. Amalia is working as an obstetrician and gynecologist in Heraklion General Hospital, with experience in surgeries and emergencies.

    2019 – 2018     Filia Medical Office Lesvos, Regional Doctor

    2018 – 2017     Lesvos General Hospital, General Surgery: Dr. Amalia worked as a doctor for 2 years, with experience in the emergency department and surgical field.

    2011 – 2017     Crete University Health Promotion Team: As a social worker, Amalia was visiting schools around Crete and lecturing on Sexually Transmitted Diseases in youth.

    2011 – 2017            Doctor of Medicine (MD), Medical School of Heraklion, Crete, Greece

    Participation in the 11th Panhellenic Conference on Embryometry with a talk on Normal Post-Cesarean section (VBAC)

    Participation in the conference ‘Recent Advances in Reproduction’, organized by the Scientific Society for Research in Female Reproduction (SSRHR), with a talk on HYFOSY tubal flushing

    Publication of articles in the International Journal of Medical Reviews and Case Reports, on ‘Spontaneous Conception After Premature Ovarian Failure Diagnosis’, ‘Spontaneous conception in a patient with Diffuse Uterine Leiomyomatosis’ , ‘After Hysterosalpingo-Foam Sonography (Hyfosy), Major Histocompatibility Complex (Mhc) Molecules Identification In Vaginal Cells During Menstrual Cycle’

    Currently running clinical research on ‘Queer Vaginal Flora in Crete’

    Dr. Amalia Savvidi is a gynecologist and obstetrician at the General Hospital of Heraklion, Venizelio who lives in Crete (Greece). She has practiced for two years in General Surgery of the Lesvos Hospital, Vostaneio 2017-2019 and at the same time completed her training at the FILIA Medical Center in Lesvos 2018-2019.  What makes her very unique are her deep communication skills and ability to feel with her patients. She speaks Greek, English, and French. She is a woman who believes in equality and solidarity and practices these values in her everyday life as a doctor. As a Gynecologist, she is in contact with all the colors of the rainbow (LGBTQAI+) and her goal is to ensure that every person who leaves her clinic feels safe and taken care of. Her motto in life is: “All people with vaginas need access to health!”

    Greek: Mother language

    English: Excellent working proficiency

    French: Basic working proficiency

    today – 2019    Venizeleio Hospital of Heraklion Crete, ObGyn Residency: Dr. Amalia is working as an obstetrician and gynecologist in Heraklion General Hospital, with experience in surgeries and emergencies.

    2019 – 2018     Filia Medical Office Lesvos, Regional Doctor

    2018 – 2017     Lesvos General Hospital, General Surgery: Dr. Amalia worked as a doctor for 2 years, with experience in the emergency department and surgical field.

    2011 – 2017     Crete University Health Promotion Team: As a social worker, Amalia was visiting schools around Crete and lecturing on Sexually Transmitted Diseases in youth.

    2011 – 2017            Doctor of Medicine (MD), Medical School of Heraklion, Crete, Greece

    Participation in the 11th Panhellenic Conference on Embryometry with a talk on Normal Post-Cesarean section (VBAC)

    Participation in the conference ‘Recent Advances in Reproduction’, organized by the Scientific Society for Research in Female Reproduction (SSRHR), with a talk on HYFOSY tubal flushing

    Publication of articles in the International Journal of Medical Reviews and Case Reports, on ‘Spontaneous Conception After Premature Ovarian Failure Diagnosis’, ‘Spontaneous conception in a patient with Diffuse Uterine Leiomyomatosis’ , ‘After Hysterosalpingo-Foam Sonography (Hyfosy), Major Histocompatibility Complex (Mhc) Molecules Identification In Vaginal Cells During Menstrual Cycle’

    Currently running clinical research on ‘Queer Vaginal Flora in Crete’

    Ask your Gyno with Dr Amalia Savvidi

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    Dr. Amalia Savvidi, MD

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    Dr. Sofia Kouri, MD
    Gynecologist, Obstetrician

    Dr. Sofia Kouri is a Greek gynecologist living in Corfu. She speaks Greek and Italian. She was introduced to omgyno through an article about feminist gynecology in the Italian newspaper la Repubblica, which her daughter recommended to her. From our first meeting she showed her interest and sensitivity with regards to problems and obstacles that women face in their journey of medical care. She is an open-minded and supportive person who respects the integrity of women. As a scientist, she is analytical and detail-oriented. Her master’s thesis is on “sexuality and disability”, you can check her full range of experience and services on her website sofiakouri.gr. She is the mother of three girls.  Dr Sofia is ready to help you via telehealth, to listen to your needs, and provide you with guidance. You can book a telehealth appointment with her below.

    Greek: Mother language

    Italian: Professional

    English: Working proficiency EFC (Cambridge First Certificate of English)

    Private Clinic  Obstetrician Gynecologist

    Health Center in Venice (ULSS 12 Veneziana)  Working as a general practitioner

    Hospital of Padua   Practice at the gynecological clinic

    University “G. D’Annunzio” (Chieti, Italy) Specialization in the obstetrics-gynecology clinic

    Pescara Working as a private obstetrician-gynecologist

    University Hospital “Burlo Garofalo” Trieste  Practice at the obstetrics clinic

    K.E.S.Y. license (Central Health Council)   Performing ultrasound after examinations

    2001             Postgraduate degree from “G. D’Annunzio” University (sexuality and disability)

    1998             Graduate of Medicine from the University “G. D’Annunzio” Italy with a grade of “excellent” (102/110)

    2001        Cardiovascular parameters and serum zinc and copper of women in relation to menopause and smoking habit. P. Boscolo, R. Forcucci, S. Kouri, M. Di Gioacchino. 3rd International Symposium on trace elements in humans: new perspectives. Atene 4-6 ottobre 2001 (proceeding book) pp. 1159-116.

    2001        In vitro Pt, Pd and Rh immunotoxicity and reproductive toxicity studies. E. Sabbioni, P. Boscolo, S. Fortaner, M. Di Gioacchino, M. Reale, S. Kouri, R. Gornati, M. Prati, G. Bernardini, 3rd International Symposium on trace elements in humans: new perspectives. Atene 4-6 ottobre 2001 (abstract book) p. 86.

    2001        Effects of electromagnetic fields on trace elements and immune system of atopic and non atopic pre- or postmenopausal women. P. Boscolo, A. Del Signore, M. Reale, S. Kouri, E. Toto, S. Ciuffreda, M. Di Gioacchino. Trace Elements and Minerals in Medicine and Biology. Venezia, 16-19 aprile 2001,  p. P.3.41.

    2001         Alternatives to animal research and testing: studies on As-induced effects on the immune, reproductive and developmental system. E. Sabbioni, S. Fortaner, P. Boscolo, M. Reale, S. Kouri, L. Di Giampaolo, M. Di Gioacchino, R. Gornati, M. Prati, G. Bernardini. Trace Elements and Minerals in Medicine and Biology. Venezia, 16-19 aprile 2001,  p. 0.21

    2001        Ansieta’, stile di vita e  storia ostetrica di operaie in un’industria di alta moda S. Kouri, L. Di Giampaolo, E. Toto, P. Boscolo.  Giorn. Ital. Med, Lav. Erg. 23: 4-, 438-441.

    2001        Effetti dell’arsenico inorganico e dimetilato sul sistema immunitario e sullo sviluppo embrionale. P. Boscolo, L. Di Giampaolo, S. Kouri, P. Travaglino, E. Toto. Atti del 64° Congresso SIMLII,     Roma, ottobre 2001, G. Ital. Med Lav.  23:3, 342.

    2000       The influence of menopause and habitual smoking upon serum zinc, serum copper and the cardiovascular and immune parameters of women. M. Di Gioacchino, R. Forcucci, G.M. Tiboni, S. Kouri, F. DiGiacomo,  P. Boscolo. Int. J. Immunopathol. Pharmacol. 13, 91-97.

    2000        Combined effects of traffic and electromagnetic fields on the immune system of fertile atopic women. A. Del Seignore, P. Boscolo, S. Kouri, G. Di Martino, G. Giuliano. Ind. Health 38, 294-300.

    2000      Serum zinc and copper and blood lymphocytes in healthy pre- and postmenopausal women. M. Di Gioacchino, S. Kouri, S. Ramondo, E. Papadopoulou, S. Ciuffreda, P. Boscolo. Mengen und Spurenelemente. 20. Arbeistagung. 1. und 2 Dezember 2000, Fridrich-Shiller Universitat Jena, Shubert-Verlag Leipzig, pp. 548-552

    2000      Preliminary study on the effects of electromagnetic fields on immune activity of humans. P. Boscolo, S. Kouri , L. Di Giampaolo, S. Ciuffreda, N. Verna, M. Di Gioacchino. International  Symposium on Environmental Allergy and Immune Diseases (III ISOEAID), Singapore, August  26th 2000, p. 17. Riviste e convegni nazionali.

    Dr. Sofia Kouri is a Greek gynecologist living in Corfu. She speaks Greek and Italian. She was introduced to omgyno through an article about feminist gynecology in the Italian newspaper la Repubblica, which her daughter recommended to her. From our first meeting she showed her interest and sensitivity with regards to problems and obstacles that women face in their journey of medical care. She is an open-minded and supportive person who respects the integrity of women. As a scientist, she is analytical and detail-oriented. Her master’s thesis is on “sexuality and disability”, you can check her full range of experience and services on her website sofiakouri.gr. She is the mother of three girls.  Dr Sofia is ready to help you via telehealth, to listen to your needs, and provide you with guidance. You can book a telehealth appointment with her below.

    Greek: Mother language

    Italian: Professional

    English: Working proficiency EFC (Cambridge First Certificate of English)

    Private Clinic  Obstetrician Gynecologist

    Health Center in Venice (ULSS 12 Veneziana)  Working as a general practitioner

    Hospital of Padua   Practice at the gynecological clinic

    University “G. D’Annunzio” (Chieti, Italy) Specialization in the obstetrics-gynecology clinic

    Pescara Working as a private obstetrician-gynecologist

    University Hospital “Burlo Garofalo” Trieste  Practice at the obstetrics clinic

    K.E.S.Y. license (Central Health Council)   Performing ultrasound after examinations

    2001             Postgraduate degree from “G. D’Annunzio” University (sexuality and disability)

    1998             Graduate of Medicine from the University “G. D’Annunzio” Italy with a grade of “excellent” (102/110)

    2001        Cardiovascular parameters and serum zinc and copper of women in relation to menopause and smoking habit. P. Boscolo, R. Forcucci, S. Kouri, M. Di Gioacchino. 3rd International Symposium on trace elements in humans: new perspectives. Atene 4-6 ottobre 2001 (proceeding book) pp. 1159-116.

    2001        In vitro Pt, Pd and Rh immunotoxicity and reproductive toxicity studies. E. Sabbioni, P. Boscolo, S. Fortaner, M. Di Gioacchino, M. Reale, S. Kouri, R. Gornati, M. Prati, G. Bernardini, 3rd International Symposium on trace elements in humans: new perspectives. Atene 4-6 ottobre 2001 (abstract book) p. 86.

    2001        Effects of electromagnetic fields on trace elements and immune system of atopic and non atopic pre- or postmenopausal women. P. Boscolo, A. Del Signore, M. Reale, S. Kouri, E. Toto, S. Ciuffreda, M. Di Gioacchino. Trace Elements and Minerals in Medicine and Biology. Venezia, 16-19 aprile 2001,  p. P.3.41.

    2001         Alternatives to animal research and testing: studies on As-induced effects on the immune, reproductive and developmental system. E. Sabbioni, S. Fortaner, P. Boscolo, M. Reale, S. Kouri, L. Di Giampaolo, M. Di Gioacchino, R. Gornati, M. Prati, G. Bernardini. Trace Elements and Minerals in Medicine and Biology. Venezia, 16-19 aprile 2001,  p. 0.21

    2001        Ansieta’, stile di vita e  storia ostetrica di operaie in un’industria di alta moda S. Kouri, L. Di Giampaolo, E. Toto, P. Boscolo.  Giorn. Ital. Med, Lav. Erg. 23: 4-, 438-441.

    2001        Effetti dell’arsenico inorganico e dimetilato sul sistema immunitario e sullo sviluppo embrionale. P. Boscolo, L. Di Giampaolo, S. Kouri, P. Travaglino, E. Toto. Atti del 64° Congresso SIMLII,     Roma, ottobre 2001, G. Ital. Med Lav.  23:3, 342.

    2000       The influence of menopause and habitual smoking upon serum zinc, serum copper and the cardiovascular and immune parameters of women. M. Di Gioacchino, R. Forcucci, G.M. Tiboni, S. Kouri, F. DiGiacomo,  P. Boscolo. Int. J. Immunopathol. Pharmacol. 13, 91-97.

    2000        Combined effects of traffic and electromagnetic fields on the immune system of fertile atopic women. A. Del Seignore, P. Boscolo, S. Kouri, G. Di Martino, G. Giuliano. Ind. Health 38, 294-300.

    2000      Serum zinc and copper and blood lymphocytes in healthy pre- and postmenopausal women. M. Di Gioacchino, S. Kouri, S. Ramondo, E. Papadopoulou, S. Ciuffreda, P. Boscolo. Mengen und Spurenelemente. 20. Arbeistagung. 1. und 2 Dezember 2000, Fridrich-Shiller Universitat Jena, Shubert-Verlag Leipzig, pp. 548-552

    2000      Preliminary study on the effects of electromagnetic fields on immune activity of humans. P. Boscolo, S. Kouri , L. Di Giampaolo, S. Ciuffreda, N. Verna, M. Di Gioacchino. International  Symposium on Environmental Allergy and Immune Diseases (III ISOEAID), Singapore, August  26th 2000, p. 17. Riviste e convegni nazionali.

    Book a telehealth session with Dr. Sofia


    This booking calendar includes all our healthcare professionals and services. Once you have booked, you will receive a confirmation email from us with a link to your next telehealth session.

    Please note, our telehealth services have a 24 hour cancellation policy. Patients who cancel within less than 24 hours notice may need to pay a cancellation fee.

    Dr. Sofia Kouri's Patient Reviews

    There are no reviews yet. Be the first one to write one.

    Dr. Mary Tazanios, MD
    Gynecologist, Obstetrician

    Dr Tazanios is a senior advisor at omgyno and a gynecologist-obstetrician of Lebanese, Greek, and French nationality. Her vast international experience, her ability to consult in four languages, and her very supportive and warm character is what makes Dr Tazanios unique in the omgyno network. She has been the head of the ObGyn departments of hospitals, coordinator of the Refugees Health Project, and medical advisor to the World Medical Centers as a representative of Lebanon. She has been an instructor at Kursk State Medical University in Russia, where she also received her Medical degree in 1998. Since then she has earned various postdoctoral specializations from the Burwin Institute of Diagnostic Medical Ultrasound in Canada, and Universite d’Auvergne I Clermont Ferrand in France. She also has an Advanced Nutrition Diploma from the School of Natural Health Sciences in London and a Bachelor of Science in Social & Behavioral Sciences from the American University of Beirut. She is a member of the European Medical Association, the Royal Society of Medicine UK, the American College of Obstetrics and Gynecology, and Droit De Naitre Association France. She speaks four languages (Arabic, French, English, and Russian) and lives in Beirut with her partner and children.

    Arabic: Mother language

    English: Professional working proficiency

    French: Professional working proficiency

    Russian: Professional working proficiency

    2013-2015     Head of Department of ObGyn, Lebanese Canadian Hospital, Lebanon

    2013              Medical Officer, Globemed, Lebanon

    2013-2019     Coordinator of Refugees Health ProjectLebanon

    2002-2008    Medical advisor, Trans Russian co-International, Worldwide

    2002-2005   Consultant to four hospitals in Lebanon:

    • Al Arz Hospital 
    • Women’s Hospital
    • Haddad Hospital for the Rosary Nuns
    • Beirut General Hospital

    2002 – 2013   Consultant for out-Patient Services and NGOs:

    • World Medical Centers
    • Private Clinic /OPD-Lebanese Canadian Hospital
    • Armenian Relief Cross Dispensary
    • Mansouriet El Metn welfare Dispensary
    • World Medical Centers (Medical Director,2007-2008)
    • 24hrs Medical Centre
    • Al Salam Clinic
    • Ministry of Social Affairs & Development Dispensary:
    1. Mother & Child Dispensary: mother and child consultancy, nutrition, hygiene, and health promotion
    2. Medical Care Dispensary: mother and child consultancy & school health promotion

    2005      Advanced Nutrition Diploma, School of Natural Health Sciences, London, UK

    2003      European Advanced University Diploma in Surgical Gynecological Endoscopy, Universite d’Auvergne I, France.

    2002      Certificate in OBGYN Ultrasound, Burwin Institute of Diagnostic Medical Ultrasound, Canada

    2002      DES – Postdoctoral Clinical Specialization in Obstetrics and Gynecology,  Kursk State Medical University, Russia

    1998      MEDICAL DOCTOR, M.D., Kursk State Medical University, Russia

    1994      BS Social & Behavioral Sciences – Psychology Major, American University of Beirut, 1994

    1. European Medical Association full membership of scientific board certificate #44
    2. Royal Society of Medicine UK fellow member (FRSM # 00722238)
    3. American College of Obstetrics and Gynecology Associate Member International
    4. Lebanese Order of Physicians – LOP 124T
    5. Lebanese Association Of Obstetricians And Gynecologists.
    6. Lebanese Social Security Association # 67/2002.
    7. Lebanese Canadian Hospital- Head of Social Activities Committee (2005)/ general secretary(2013 -2017); member (2018)
    8. Droit De Naitre Association – France- Member.
    9. Ayyadina Social Organization- for the care of elderly and people in need – Head of Medical Committee (2003-2004)

    Lecturer at the Department of OB/GYN at Kursk State Medical University- Russia, 1998-2002.

    • Delivered lectures for medical students in Obstetrics/Gynecology
    • Participated in training junior residents and medical students at the different services of obstetrics/ gynecology department
    • Directed seminars and conferences for junior residents
    • Contributed to research projects of the department

    Instructor in various departments of Internal Medicine at Kursk State Medical University, Russia, 1998-1999.

    Participated in training and delivering lectures for medical and paramedical students in: cardiology, pulmonology, rheumatology, hematology, gastroenterology, diabetes, intensive care and reanimation, radiology, and oncology.

    Dr Tazanios is a senior advisor at omgyno and a gynecologist-obstetrician of Lebanese, Greek, and French nationality. Her vast international experience, her ability to consult in four languages, and her very supportive and warm character is what makes Dr Tazanios unique in the omgyno network. She has been the head of the ObGyn departments of hospitals, coordinator of the Refugees Health Project, and medical advisor to the World Medical Centers as a representative of Lebanon. She has been an instructor at Kursk State Medical University in Russia, where she also received her Medical degree in 1998. Since then she has earned various postdoctoral specializations from the Burwin Institute of Diagnostic Medical Ultrasound in Canada, and Universite d’Auvergne I Clermont Ferrand in France. She also has an Advanced Nutrition Diploma from the School of Natural Health Sciences in London and a Bachelor of Science in Social & Behavioral Sciences from the American University of Beirut. She is a member of the European Medical Association, the Royal Society of Medicine UK, the American College of Obstetrics and Gynecology, and Droit De Naitre Association France. She speaks four languages (Arabic, French, English, and Russian) and lives in Beirut with her partner and children.

    Arabic: Mother language

    English: Professional working proficiency

    French: Professional working proficiency

    Russian: Professional working proficiency

    2013-2015     Head of Department of ObGyn, Lebanese Canadian Hospital, Lebanon

    2013              Medical Officer, Globemed, Lebanon

    2013-2019     Coordinator of Refugees Health ProjectLebanon

    2002-2008    Medical advisor, Trans Russian co-International, Worldwide

    2002-2005   Consultant to four hospitals in Lebanon:

    • Al Arz Hospital 
    • Women’s Hospital
    • Haddad Hospital for the Rosary Nuns
    • Beirut General Hospital

    2002 – 2013   Consultant for out-Patient Services and NGOs:

    • World Medical Centers
    • Private Clinic /OPD-Lebanese Canadian Hospital
    • Armenian Relief Cross Dispensary
    • Mansouriet El Metn welfare Dispensary
    • World Medical Centers (Medical Director,2007-2008)
    • 24hrs Medical Centre
    • Al Salam Clinic
    • Ministry of Social Affairs & Development Dispensary:
    1. Mother & Child Dispensary: mother and child consultancy, nutrition, hygiene, and health promotion
    2. Medical Care Dispensary: mother and child consultancy & school health promotion

    2005      Advanced Nutrition Diploma, School of Natural Health Sciences, London, UK

    2003      European Advanced University Diploma in Surgical Gynecological Endoscopy, Universite d’Auvergne I, France.

    2002      Certificate in OBGYN Ultrasound, Burwin Institute of Diagnostic Medical Ultrasound, Canada

    2002      DES – Postdoctoral Clinical Specialization in Obstetrics and Gynecology,  Kursk State Medical University, Russia

    1998      MEDICAL DOCTOR, M.D., Kursk State Medical University, Russia

    1994      BS Social & Behavioral Sciences – Psychology Major, American University of Beirut, 1994

    1. European Medical Association full membership of scientific board certificate #44
    2. Royal Society of Medicine UK fellow member (FRSM # 00722238)
    3. American College of Obstetrics and Gynecology Associate Member International
    4. Lebanese Order of Physicians – LOP 124T
    5. Lebanese Association Of Obstetricians And Gynecologists.
    6. Lebanese Social Security Association # 67/2002.
    7. Lebanese Canadian Hospital- Head of Social Activities Committee (2005)/ general secretary(2013 -2017); member (2018)
    8. Droit De Naitre Association – France- Member.
    9. Ayyadina Social Organization- for the care of elderly and people in need – Head of Medical Committee (2003-2004)

    Lecturer at the Department of OB/GYN at Kursk State Medical University- Russia, 1998-2002.

    • Delivered lectures for medical students in Obstetrics/Gynecology
    • Participated in training junior residents and medical students at the different services of obstetrics/ gynecology department
    • Directed seminars and conferences for junior residents
    • Contributed to research projects of the department

    Instructor in various departments of Internal Medicine at Kursk State Medical University, Russia, 1998-1999.

    Participated in training and delivering lectures for medical and paramedical students in: cardiology, pulmonology, rheumatology, hematology, gastroenterology, diabetes, intensive care and reanimation, radiology, and oncology.

    Book a telehealth session with Dr. Mary


    This booking calendar includes all our healthcare professionals and services. Once you have booked, you will receive a confirmation email from us with a link to your next telehealth session.

    Please note, our telehealth services have a 24 hour cancellation policy. Patients who cancel within less than 24 hours notice may need to pay a cancellation fee.

    Dr. Mary Tazanios's Patient Reviews

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    Dr. Christina Founta, MD
    Gynecologist, Obstetrician

    Dr. Founta is an Obstetrician-Gynecologist Surgeon, with many years of training and experience in gynecological oncology, gynecological cancer diagnosis, cervical pathology and colposcopy, hysteroscopy and surgical gynecology. She was born and raised in Ioannina. She is a graduate of the Medical School of the National & Kapodistrian University of Athens, specializing in Obstetrics & Gynecology at the University Hospital of Ioannina. She then moved to the United Kingdom where she chose to pursue her career. She has worked at internationally renowned health centers such as the Northern Gynecological Oncology Center in Gateshead, the Musgrove Park Hospital in Taunton, and the Guy’s & St Thomas Hospital in London. Recently, Dr. Founta is active in Athens, working with Mitera Hospital. Her aim is to offer personalized and high quality medical services to women.

    Greek: Mother language

    English: Professional working proficiency

    2019 – today        Consultant Gynecologist in Gynecological Cancer Diagnostics & Colposcopy Lead, Guy’s & St Thomas’ NHS Trust, London, United Kingdom

    2017 – 2019   Consultant Gynecologist & Gynecological Oncology Diagnostics Lead, Musgrove Park Hospital, Taunton, United Kingdom

    2015 – 2017   Clinical Fellow in Gynecological Oncology, Musgrove Park Hospital, Taunton, United Kingdom

    2013 – 2015    Gynecological Oncology Clinical Research Fellow, Northern Gynecological Oncology Centre, Gateshead, United Kingdom

    2014 – 2016            British Society of Colposcopy & Cervical Pathology (BSCCP)  accredited colposcopist (2014) & trainer (2016)

    2016                        PhD in Obstetrics & Gynecology at the University Hospital of Ioannina, completing the initial year of specialization in General Surgery at the General Hospital of Ioannina “G. Hatzikosta ». PhD/Thesis:  «Cervical healing and future obstetric outcomes following excisional treatment for CIN in correlation with exact percentage of cervical tissue excised»

    2014                        Trained in Practical Statistics for Medical Research UCL, London.

                                    Trained and certified for performing medical clinical trials (Good Clinical Practice – GCP)

    2004 – 2010            Doctor of Medicine (MD), Athens Medical School, National & Kapodistrian University of Athens, 2005

    1. British Society of Colposcopy & Cervical Pathology (BSCCP) member since 9/2011
    2. Royal College of Obstetricians & Gynaecologists (RCOG) associate member since 11/20123.
    3. British Gynaecological Cancer Society (BGCS) member since 1/2014
    4. British Society of Gynaecological Endoscopy (ΒSGE) BSGE member since 5/2014
    5. Hellenic Society of Colposcopy & Cervical Pathology (HSCCP) accredited colposcopist
    6. AD-HOC REVIEWER for peer-reviewed international journals: British Journal of Obstetrics & Gynaecology (BJOG), American Journal of Obstetrics & Gynaecology (AJOG), European Journal of Obstetrics & Gynaecology (EJOG), Medicine
    1. Participation in numerous Clinical studies, both as a lead investigation and as member of the research team in Greece and the UK:

    Assessment of the accuracy of DySIS colposcopy in different patient groups
    Developing optimum follow-up strategies after treatment of CIN
    The value of HE4 for the assessment of women with abdominal symptoms and/or an ovarian mass
    Imaging and volumetry methods of the uterine cervix and assessment of its healing capacity following treatment for CIN
    Systematic review of the literature on gynecological oncology services and outcomes in the context of assessing the need for a major system re-organization
    HPV vaccination after excisional treatment for CIN
    The use of microbubbles in identifying sentinel nodes for vulval cancer patients

    2. Supervision of junior colleagues in research as a senior researcher

    3. Deputy Principal Investigator for Guy’s & St Thomas’ NHS trust for a Randomised Clinical Trial on HPV vaccination after excisional treatment for CIN (NOVEL trial – NIHR Portofolio study sponsored by Imperial College, London)


     1. Best Oral Presentation:
    “The role of Dynamic Spectral Imaging (DySIS) in the colposcopic assessment of cytology negative failed Test Of Cure patients: Results of a pilot study” C Founta, N Ratnavelu, M Bradbury, S Natsis, R O’Donnell, A Feusi, A Kucukmetin, C Ang, A Fisher, R NaikBSCCP annual meeting, 15-17th April 2015, Nottingham, UK

    2. “Effect of condom use on HPV status after conservative treatment for CIN”. 6th Panhellenic Congress of Cervical Pathology and Colposcopy, November 2010, Ioannina, Greece

    3. “Expression of HPV-related biomarkers in association with the grade of cervical intraepithelial lesion”. 9th International Scientific Meeting of the Royal College of Obstetricians and Gynaecologists, September 28-30, 2011 in Athens, Greece

    4. “Long-term data on the trend of HPV-related biomarkers post-treatment for cervical intra-epithelial lesions”. International Course in Colposcopy and Cervical Pathology, November 10-12 2011, Ioannina, Greece

    5. “Proportion of excision, cervical healing and pregnancy outcomes after Large Loop Excision of the Transformation Zone for Cervical Intraepithelial Neoplasia”. International Course in Colposcopy and Cervical Pathology, November 8-10 2012, Ioannina, Greece

    Dr. Founta is an Obstetrician-Gynecologist Surgeon, with many years of training and experience in gynecological oncology, gynecological cancer diagnosis, cervical pathology and colposcopy, hysteroscopy and surgical gynecology. She was born and raised in Ioannina. She is a graduate of the Medical School of the National & Kapodistrian University of Athens, specializing in Obstetrics & Gynecology at the University Hospital of Ioannina. She then moved to the United Kingdom where she chose to pursue her career. She has worked at internationally renowned health centers such as the Northern Gynecological Oncology Center in Gateshead, the Musgrove Park Hospital in Taunton, and the Guy’s & St Thomas Hospital in London. Recently, Dr. Founta is active in Athens, working with Mitera Hospital. Her aim is to offer personalized and high quality medical services to women.

    Greek: Mother language

    English: Professional working proficiency

    2019 – today        Consultant Gynecologist in Gynecological Cancer Diagnostics & Colposcopy Lead, Guy’s & St Thomas’ NHS Trust, London, United Kingdom

    2017 – 2019   Consultant Gynecologist & Gynecological Oncology Diagnostics Lead, Musgrove Park Hospital, Taunton, United Kingdom

    2015 – 2017   Clinical Fellow in Gynecological Oncology, Musgrove Park Hospital, Taunton, United Kingdom

    2013 – 2015    Gynecological Oncology Clinical Research Fellow, Northern Gynecological Oncology Centre, Gateshead, United Kingdom

    2014 – 2016            British Society of Colposcopy & Cervical Pathology (BSCCP)  accredited colposcopist (2014) & trainer (2016)

    2016                        PhD in Obstetrics & Gynecology at the University Hospital of Ioannina, completing the initial year of specialization in General Surgery at the General Hospital of Ioannina “G. Hatzikosta ». PhD/Thesis:  «Cervical healing and future obstetric outcomes following excisional treatment for CIN in correlation with exact percentage of cervical tissue excised»

    2014                        Trained in Practical Statistics for Medical Research UCL, London.

                                    Trained and certified for performing medical clinical trials (Good Clinical Practice – GCP)

    2004 – 2010            Doctor of Medicine (MD), Athens Medical School, National & Kapodistrian University of Athens, 2005

    1. British Society of Colposcopy & Cervical Pathology (BSCCP) member since 9/2011
    2. Royal College of Obstetricians & Gynaecologists (RCOG) associate member since 11/20123.
    3. British Gynaecological Cancer Society (BGCS) member since 1/2014
    4. British Society of Gynaecological Endoscopy (ΒSGE) BSGE member since 5/2014
    5. Hellenic Society of Colposcopy & Cervical Pathology (HSCCP) accredited colposcopist
    6. AD-HOC REVIEWER for peer-reviewed international journals: British Journal of Obstetrics & Gynaecology (BJOG), American Journal of Obstetrics & Gynaecology (AJOG), European Journal of Obstetrics & Gynaecology (EJOG), Medicine

    1. Participation in numerous Clinical studies, both as a lead investigation and as member of the research team in Greece and the UK:

    Assessment of the accuracy of DySIS colposcopy in different patient groups
    Developing optimum follow-up strategies after treatment of CIN
    The value of HE4 for the assessment of women with abdominal symptoms and/or an ovarian mass
    Imaging and volumetry methods of the uterine cervix and assessment of its healing capacity following treatment for CIN
    Systematic review of the literature on gynecological oncology services and outcomes in the context of assessing the need for a major system re-organization
    HPV vaccination after excisional treatment for CIN
    The use of microbubbles in identifying sentinel nodes for vulval cancer patients

    2. Supervision of junior colleagues in research as a senior researcher

    3. Deputy Principal Investigator for Guy’s & St Thomas’ NHS trust for a Randomised Clinical Trial on HPV vaccination after excisional treatment for CIN (NOVEL trial – NIHR Portofolio study sponsored by Imperial College, London)


     1. Best Oral Presentation:
    “The role of Dynamic Spectral Imaging (DySIS) in the colposcopic assessment of cytology negative failed Test Of Cure patients: Results of a pilot study” C Founta, N Ratnavelu, M Bradbury, S Natsis, R O’Donnell, A Feusi, A Kucukmetin, C Ang, A Fisher, R NaikBSCCP annual meeting, 15-17th April 2015, Nottingham, UK

    2. “Effect of condom use on HPV status after conservative treatment for CIN”. 6th Panhellenic Congress of Cervical Pathology and Colposcopy, November 2010, Ioannina, Greece

    3. “Expression of HPV-related biomarkers in association with the grade of cervical intraepithelial lesion”. 9th International Scientific Meeting of the Royal College of Obstetricians and Gynaecologists, September 28-30, 2011 in Athens, Greece

    4. “Long-term data on the trend of HPV-related biomarkers post-treatment for cervical intra-epithelial lesions”. International Course in Colposcopy and Cervical Pathology, November 10-12 2011, Ioannina, Greece

    5. “Proportion of excision, cervical healing and pregnancy outcomes after Large Loop Excision of the Transformation Zone for Cervical Intraepithelial Neoplasia”. International Course in Colposcopy and Cervical Pathology, November 8-10 2012, Ioannina, Greece

    Book a telehealth session with Dr. Christina


    This booking calendar includes all our healthcare professionals and services. Once you have booked, you will receive a confirmation email from us with a link to your next telehealth session.

    Please note, our telehealth services have a 24 hour cancellation policy. Patients who cancel within less than 24 hours notice may need to pay a cancellation fee.

    Dr. Christina Founta's Patient Reviews

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    Dr. Maria Alexiou, MD
    Gynecologist, Obstetrician

    Dr Alexiou is a gynecologist and obstetrician with many years of experience who runs a private clinic in Larissa. She completed her residency at the University Hospital of Heraklion, Crete. She has served as an attending physician at the General Hospital of Larissa and is a volunteer at the Red Cross and The Smile of the Child. She has lectured on many topics regarding gynecology and obstetrics, and specializes in colposcopy, HPV diseases, infertility investigation, polycystic ovaries, menopause, and menstrual disorders in adolescence. She is also a mother of 2 children.

    Greek: Mother language

    English: Very good knowledge, Lower level degree

    Italian: Very good knowledge, Dante Alighieri degree, CEFR level B2, C1

    Romanian: Very good knowledge

    Spanish: Very good knowledge

    2017- 2022      Gynecologist-Obstetrician in Larissa
                              Volunteer doctor at the Social Clinic
                              Volunteer at the Red Cross and Smile of the child
                              Associated clinics IASO, YGEIA

    2017                  Attending nurse at the General Hospital of Larissa, in the gynecology & obstetrics clinic

    2014-2016        Teacher at 1st public IEK Larissa in the corresponding fields(obstetrics assistant, nursing, nursing assistant, Assistant physiotherapist, etc.)

    2013-2015         Private gynecologist in Larissa and Agia, on call Doctor at the clinics AROGI and IPOKRATEIO

    2013                   Specialist in Gynecological Surgery-Obstetrics. University Hospital of Crete, University Hospital of Gynecology, Athens

    2010-2013          Completion of Gynecology-Midwifery specialty at the Heraklion University Hospital

    2008-2009         Working as an unqualified doctor in a polyclinic in Platanias, Chania and on-call work at the Centre of Chania. Work at the “Olympion” Rehabilitation Centre in Chania

    2005-2007          Gynecology- Obstetrics specialty at Volos General Hospital

    2004-2005          Surgical specialty at the General Hospital of Larissa

    2003-2004          Completion of the Rural Service (rural) at the K.Y. of Spili, Rethymnon

    2022-2022           Degree ALSO ( Advanced life support in obstetrics )

                                   Basic Life Support and CPR seminar

                                   Specialisation in colposcopy and certificate of competence

                                   Specialisation in HPV and certificate of competence.

                                   Proficiency in obstetric ultrasound of the first trimester, Nicolaides-on line course  

    2002                       Hellenic National Academic Recognition and Information Center (Hellenic NARIC) examinations

    1995-2001              Doctor of Medicine (MD), University of Medicine in Constanta, Romania(English-speaking)

    2016    Speaker at the Panhellenic Congress of Pediatrics Volos
    2014    Speaker at the Cancer Patients Association of Larissa, for the prevention of gynecological cancer

    2010     Speaker at the 5th Primary School of Larissa for HPV

    Dr Alexiou is a gynecologist and obstetrician with many years of experience who runs a private clinic in Larissa. She completed her residency at the University Hospital of Heraklion, Crete. She has served as an attending physician at the General Hospital of Larissa and is a volunteer at the Red Cross and The Smile of the Child. She has lectured on many topics regarding gynecology and obstetrics, and specializes in colposcopy, HPV diseases, infertility investigation, polycystic ovaries, menopause, and menstrual disorders in adolescence. She is also a mother of 2 children.

    Greek: Mother language

    English: Very good knowledge, Lower level degree

    Italian: Very good knowledge, Dante Alighieri degree, CEFR level B2, C1

    Romanian: Very good knowledge

    Spanish: Very good knowledge

    2017- 2022      Gynecologist-Obstetrician in Larissa
                              Volunteer doctor at the Social Clinic
                              Volunteer at the Red Cross and Smile of the child
                              Associated clinics IASO, YGEIA

    2017                  Attending nurse at the General Hospital of Larissa, in the gynecology & obstetrics clinic

    2014-2016        Teacher at 1st public IEK Larissa in the corresponding fields(obstetrics assistant, nursing, nursing assistant, Assistant physiotherapist, etc.)

    2013-2015         Private gynecologist in Larissa and Agia, on call Doctor at the clinics AROGI and IPOKRATEIO

    2013                   Specialist in Gynecological Surgery-Obstetrics. University Hospital of Crete, University Hospital of Gynecology, Athens

    2010-2013          Completion of Gynecology-Midwifery specialty at the Heraklion University Hospital

    2008-2009         Working as an unqualified doctor in a polyclinic in Platanias, Chania and on-call work at the Centre of Chania. Work at the “Olympion” Rehabilitation Centre in Chania

    2005-2007          Gynecology- Obstetrics specialty at Volos General Hospital

    2004-2005          Surgical specialty at the General Hospital of Larissa

    2003-2004          Completion of the Rural Service (rural) at the K.Y. of Spili, Rethymnon

    2022-2022           Degree ALSO ( Advanced life support in obstetrics )

                                   Basic Life Support and CPR seminar

                                   Specialisation in colposcopy and certificate of competence

                                   Specialisation in HPV and certificate of competence.

                                   Proficiency in obstetric ultrasound of the first trimester, Nicolaides-on line course  

    2002                       Hellenic National Academic Recognition and Information Center (Hellenic NARIC) examinations

    1995-2001              Doctor of Medicine (MD), University of Medicine in Constanta, Romania(English-speaking)

    2016    Speaker at the Panhellenic Congress of Pediatrics Volos
    2014    Speaker at the Cancer Patients Association of Larissa, for the prevention of gynecological cancer

    2010     Speaker at the 5th Primary School of Larissa for HPV

    Book a telehealth session with Dr. Maria


    This booking calendar includes all our healthcare professionals and services. Once you have booked, you will receive a confirmation email from us with a link to your next telehealth session.

    Please note, our telehealth services have a 24 hour cancellation policy. Patients who cancel within less than 24 hours notice may need to pay a cancellation fee.

    Dr. Maria Alexiou's Patient Reviews

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    Dr. Christina Ampatzi, MD
    Gynecologist, Obstetrician

    Dr. Christina Ampatzi is a Greek gynecologist who lives in Thessaloniki. She speaks Greek, English, French and Spanish. When the omgyno team met her, it was clear that she was a perfect fit. She is a kind, patient and gentle person with deep passion for her work. She is interested in reaching out to patients outside her comfort zone, and offering her knowledge and experience to all those in need. She is caring and open-minded, and has been offering her services to many refugees who reside in the camps in the north of Greece. She is also a mother and divides her time between her professional life in her private clinic, and her family life at home.  Dr. Christina is ready to help you via telehealth, to listen to your needs, and provide you with guidance. You can book a telehealth appointment with her below.

    Greek: Mother language

    English: Certificate of Proficiency in English , University of Michigan

    French: Delf 1er degree (Unites A1, A2, A3, A4)

    Spanish: Certificado Inicial de Espanol – DELE

    02/2019 – today    Private clinic of gynecology in the center of Thessaloniki

    06/2016 – 10/2017    Resident Doctor in Gynaecology and Obstetrics Clinic, General Hospital of Thessaloniki “Hippokrateio”, Greece

    10/2013 – 06/2016    Resident Doctor in Gynaecology and Obstetrics Clinic, General Hospital of Serres, Greece

    05/2013 – 10/2013    Rural service Doctor at Medical Center of Aridaia, General Hospital of Edessa, Greece

    10/2011 – 03/2013    Resident Doctor in Surgical Clinic, General Hospital of Serres, Greece

    03/2011 – 10/2011    Rural service Doctor at Medical Center of K.Neurokopi, General Hospital of Drama, Greece

    2016 – 2019             MsC in Medical Research Methodology, Medical School, Aristotle University of Thessaloniki, Greece

    2013-2017               Postgraduate Diploma in Gynecology and Obstetrics, Aristotle University of Thessaloniki, Greece

    2004 – 2010            Doctor of Medicine (MD), Medical School, Aristotle University of Thessaloniki, Greece (GPA 8.19 /10)

    1. Vaginal Pessaries in clinical practice” 2nd Urogynecological Conference of Greece
    2. “Smith-Lemli-Opitz syndrome” 8th Conference of Fetal Medicine Foundation of Greece
    3. “Genital warts and pregnancy: Vaginal birth or Caesarian Section”, 8th Conference of Fetal Medicine Foundation of Greece
    4. “Pregnancy and breast cancer” 8th Conference of Fetal Medicine Foundation of Greece
    5. “Pregnancy and cardiomyopathy”. 8th Conference of Fetal Medicine Foundation of Greece
    6. “Content of nitrates in water samples of Serres region and the impact on stomach cancer in the area”, 5th Scientific Conference of Medical School, Aristotle University of Thessaloniki
    7. “Quality of life of patients operated due to thyroid cancer”, 14ht Scientific Conference of Greek Medical Students
    8. “Oxidative stress and Diabetes Mellitus Type 2”, 13th Scientific Conference of Greek Medical Students

    Since 2018 Dr. Ampatzi is a member of the research team of Urogynaecology Department of Papageorgiou General Hospital, Thessaloniki.

    Dr. Christina Ampatzi is a Greek gynecologist who lives in Thessaloniki. She speaks Greek, English, French and Spanish. When the omgyno team met her, it was clear that she was a perfect fit. She is a kind, patient and gentle person with deep passion for her work. She is interested in reaching out to patients outside her comfort zone, and offering her knowledge and experience to all those in need. She is caring and open-minded, and has been offering her services to many refugees who reside in the camps in the north of Greece. She is also a mother and divides her time between her professional life in her private clinic, and her family life at home.  Dr. Christina is ready to help you via telehealth, to listen to your needs, and provide you with guidance. You can book a telehealth appointment with her below.

    Greek: Mother language

    English: Certificate of Proficiency in English , University of Michigan

    French: Delf 1er degree (Unites A1, A2, A3, A4)

    Spanish: Certificado Inicial de Espanol – DELE

    02/2019 – today    Private clinic of gynecology in the center of Thessaloniki

    06/2016 – 10/2017    Resident Doctor in Gynaecology and Obstetrics Clinic, General Hospital of Thessaloniki “Hippokrateio”, Greece

    10/2013 – 06/2016    Resident Doctor in Gynaecology and Obstetrics Clinic, General Hospital of Serres, Greece

    05/2013 – 10/2013    Rural service Doctor at Medical Center of Aridaia, General Hospital of Edessa, Greece

    10/2011 – 03/2013    Resident Doctor in Surgical Clinic, General Hospital of Serres, Greece

    03/2011 – 10/2011    Rural service Doctor at Medical Center of K.Neurokopi, General Hospital of Drama, Greece

    2016 – 2019             MsC in Medical Research Methodology, Medical School, Aristotle University of Thessaloniki, Greece

    2013-2017               Postgraduate Diploma in Gynecology and Obstetrics, Aristotle University of Thessaloniki, Greece

    2004 – 2010            Doctor of Medicine (MD), Medical School, Aristotle University of Thessaloniki, Greece (GPA 8.19 /10)

    1. Vaginal Pessaries in clinical practice” 2nd Urogynecological Conference of Greece
    2. “Smith-Lemli-Opitz syndrome” 8th Conference of Fetal Medicine Foundation of Greece
    3. “Genital warts and pregnancy: Vaginal birth or Caesarian Section”, 8th Conference of Fetal Medicine Foundation of Greece
    4. “Pregnancy and breast cancer” 8th Conference of Fetal Medicine Foundation of Greece
    5. “Pregnancy and cardiomyopathy”. 8th Conference of Fetal Medicine Foundation of Greece
    6. “Content of nitrates in water samples of Serres region and the impact on stomach cancer in the area”, 5th Scientific Conference of Medical School, Aristotle University of Thessaloniki
    7. “Quality of life of patients operated due to thyroid cancer”, 14ht Scientific Conference of Greek Medical Students
    8. “Oxidative stress and Diabetes Mellitus Type 2”, 13th Scientific Conference of Greek Medical Students

    Since 2018 Dr. Ampatzi is a member of the research team of Urogynaecology Department of Papageorgiou General Hospital, Thessaloniki.

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