The agreement with our doctors

Our values and code of conduct.

Respect & No Judgement

A person and their body should be treated with respect. We are not treating only reproductive organs, but a whole person with a lifestyle, behaviors, and attitudes that should not be judged or shamed. Doctors must refrain from making any conservative comments. No patient should feel uncomfortable at any point when seeking a doctor for one of the most private parts of their body, especially when dealing with a problem that makes them even more vulnerable.

Empathy & Care

We understand that the medical profession comes with its challenges and is designed to be practiced with as little emotional attachment as possible, but we believe this is a choice for each doctor. We believe that half the treatment comes with listening with care to the patient and empathizing with their worries, struggles and challenges. We believe this allows people to share more information that could be helpful in assessment, especially with younger patients.

Honesty & Choice

It is the doctor’s duty to guide the patient with full honesty, making sure that all details of assessments, treatments, and procedures are clearly explained and understood. The patient must be able to make a choice for themselves, and offered alternatives, especially when it comes to treatment. Never should the doctor be too quick to make an assessment or speculate that there could be a serious problem without being absolutely sure of their diagnosis.

Inclusive & Feminist

Not every person assigned female at birth defines themselves as a woman or a girl, and not every person who owns a reproductive system should be questioned about giving birth. We believe in a world where social constructs are no longer dictating our lives, and no patient should feel excluded from medical care if they do not follow what used to be the norm. Our patients will never experience discrimination because of age, gender, race, cultural identity, social status or education level.

This manifesto is based on the shared intimate experiences of 150 people who volunteered to take part in a survey conducted by omgyno in 2020.